About Us
History of Nottimghill
Nottinghill community was conceived by Kevin Andrews and development began on a previous farm located on the west side of Plainfield in the summer of 2000. The initial concept was to be Single Family Homes within a low maintenance setting. The French Country Architecture design was to be uniform within the community and to include green roofs, carriage-style garage doors, and built with white brick. Homeowners would have the choice of sixty-two lots with limited floorplans due to the development requirements.
Mr. Andrews then went on to build twelve homes in the next three years. Unfortunately, due to the downturn in the economy, his plan of a special community with tennis courts and a swimming pool never materialized.
The twelve home owners faced an uncertain future. There were no community benefits, not even street lights. The Nottinghill project was about to go into receivership. However, four Plainfield businessmen stepped in and reversed the downward spiral and Nottinghill moved forward again. The pool and tennis court plans were dropped and the home plans were slightly amended but the overall theme remained the same.
The existing home owners along with the new developer, Jeff Roberts, established a set of Bylaws and a Covenant for the future direction of the community. As a result, all the remining lots were sold and Nottinghill was completed in 2015.
In 2007 Nottinghill Home Owners Association was incorporated and complete management control was assumed by an elected Board of Directors. Currently the Board, along with assigned committee members, oversee the management and upkeep of the common grounds. The board and committee members are comprised of existing home owners and are under the direction of recently updated Covenants and By-Laws.
As a result of the tireless effort of a large number of people over the years, Nottinghill continues to be one of the most sought-after home locations in Hendricks County.